Here's a picture of the Doughpuncher from a few years back. At the time, I was the bread instructor at the French Culinary Institute in New York. I was cutting open and examining the day's baguettes, seeing how successful we were in obtaining a good open cell structure. Looks like we could have done better, but that's why we practiced with baguettes every day of the six week course.
I have been baking bread now for over twenty five years. I can hardly believe it has been that long. Besides my stint at FCI, I also taught part time at the San Francisco Baking Institute, and I have worked at some really great bakeries, including Grand Central Baking in Seattle, TriBakery, Ecce Panis and Bouley Bakery in New York.
I am looking forward to sharing baking tips, my ideas about bread and how it fits into cuisine, a little about the life of a baker and news of my latest project here in Austin, Texas. Stay tuned for more about that!
life is not made of jam alone - looking forward to your posts!
ReplyDeleteDavid was one of my teachers at FCI, helped me learn a lot of BP and generally good skills in baking even in 9 months....can't wait to see more and keep learning from this man!